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Potential downside for selecting a corporate trustee
the pros and cons of hiring a corporate trustee versus a licensed professional fiduciary, highlighting the potential limitations of corporate trustees in terms of personalized attention, expertise, and responsiveness.
Hiring a Corporate or Licensed Fiduciary - Trustee
What you should know before hiring a professional fiduciary.
Common issues you may want to explore with your Advisor & Successor Trustee
Inform yourself about certain issues that may arise.
Outline - IYE - Estate Administration - Part 1 - Richard Huntington - Spring 2023
“Being an Executor & Trustee” Presentation by Richard Huntington for the Spring 2023 workshop series
Outline - IYM - Estate Administration - Peter Kote - Spring 2023
“Trust & Estate Administration” Presentation by Peter kote for the Spring 2023 workshop series
Outline - IYM - Estate Administration - Trevor Murphy - Spring 2023
“Trust & Estate Administration” Presentation by Trevor Murphy for the Spring 2023 workshop series
How to Properly Insure Vacant Real Estate
Why Traditional Homeowners And Landlord Policies Typically Do Not Cover Vacancy
What You Should Know Before Hiring a Professional Fiduciary
The following are examples of interview questions to ask before becoming a client.
'Standing' Up for Refunds for Deceased Taxpayers
A recent court ruling details missteps in a claim to recover an income tax overpayment.