For many investors, an important part of their overall investment portfolio is exposure to the U.S. equity market. Is this best accomplished by using a total stock market index fund or by buying a combination of several different index funds?
Research Affiliates argues that the few investors who manage to select superstars will likely dump them before their worth is proven.
After setting inflow record for 2012, mutual fund firm beats rivals with $53B take in Q1.
Warren Buffett has shown it is possible to consistently outperform the benchmark, but very few active managers have managed to replicate his success.
Ranked by retail assets – Data provided by Morningstar.
Brand perception keeping fund giant from making inroads with RIAs, survey shows; ‘hard to change people’s thinking’.
The following is adapted from “The Complete Money and Investing Guidebook” by Dave Kansas.
What investors pay for mutual funds makes a difference in how well they perform.
The closed-end-fund industry continues to reinvent itself, keeping alive a small corner of the market frequently overlooked by investors.
Transition of management at Legg Mason’s flagship fund may worry some investors; ‘you can’t come in and be someone else’.
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